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Director of InAsMuch & Circles of Allen County 


Community Engagement Minister

at Broadway Christian Church

Mary Ann has over 30 years of experience working with individuals born and raised in generational poverty in both for-profit and nonprofit organizations.  Mary Ann has combined community engagement and Biblical principles to walk alongside those individuals and help them move into a life of purpose and self-worth.    She has been recognized by organizations for her commitment and dedication to individuals who were incarcerated; seeing a significant reduction in recidivism with the individuals she served.   Mary Ann has an MBA and is a certified chaplain.  She currently serves as the Director of Inasmuch/Circles of Allen County and is the Community Engagement Minister for Broadway Christian Church.  She serves on the board of organizations across the United States that work with those in poverty to help them break the cycle.    Mary Ann is a servant leader with proven experience who walks humbly with the Lord. 

My Story

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